at various stages in life we reach tipping points, cross roads flanked with obvious signs and guide posts. it is the manner in which we observe these stages that sharpen or distort the path we choose. most often we turn to others to interpret experiences, to help analyze what it is we are actually going through, to make sense, seek approval, and then continue. but what happens when the voice of others is absent? who do we turn to? sometimes our cross roads have too many intersections and our tipping points can feel unbearable. daily we find ourselves facing challenge. if we can commit to taking time to return to our breath and speak positively, our minds open up, our souls open up, and our hearts bloom. blooming hearts is a collection of poetic loving speech, mantras, and affirmations to take with you along the journey with yourself, to yourself, and for yourself. calmly recite short beautiful phrases like, “water me, even if the sun droughts your well” and “the lover in me honors the lover in you” to yourself and others. practice fluency in the language of love to help navigate daily life, tipping points, and cross roads.
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